
Six Thinking Hats

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It seems the Image is a little disturbed, the character size varies from top to end. If you look carefully this is the harsh reality of life.

When a person needs to focus oneself, they do it as least important.

Focus is a powerful tool which helps us to grow in life. In our busy lives we just ignore or keep postponing the stuff we want, or we might be wanting to do but we keep coming up with excuses not today, might next time. Society and people around us are very important factors which will very easily shift our focus. I recently attended a workshop of Pravin Wadarlkar and he said something that touched me so Much that we do so many things which are “TOLD TO US …….” he said I still wonder “WHO TOLD”. To do certain things or not.

Let me share the key what I found:

Find: Your core skill which only you have. Trust yourself not on what others say, over the years we give away so many of our keys to people around us that we forget to take our own calls as per our wish.

One: You are special. I understood that at an early stage. People looked down at me because of my leukoderma. I rose myself above from it and became more confident about myself. Only you can rise above it.

Creative: Nowadays there are so many courses in schools and colleges where they teach you to be creative. Any Successful businessman will always bring his creative touch. It makes them different from others. I have done many projects works with my students making them realise how creative they are. Some students I can name are @Raj Panchal, @Praneet Anand, @Prince Patel. They were amazed at themselves.

Unique: We all are different in our own ways. When you will use the above 3 keys you will understand how different you are from others. In 22 years of training, I came across so many exceptional people” But I called them Kids” to name a few Abhay& Mithal for a classic approach of doing a task, quiz or project, @Urmil Solanki, @Umang, Shah @Ayushi Baheti and @ Kausar Momin for creating a benchmark in their presentations, Dhruv, Dhrvik, @ Bijen Gandhakwala and @Vipul Mehta for being so creative in every project they did and the innovative business they are in and Meet for having the courage to say his mind. These are few who had the belief to create their own identity.

Self: The whole world can leave you but Yourself cannot. Just awaken the giant within you which is so powerful and strong. If YOU decide to plan or do something, then no one stops you. I have done it many times and succeeded. Many students of mine have found themselves Parth, Priya, and @ Rahul Lamoria. They are like warriors; they stand up in any situation as they believe in themselves.

When you feel weak in your knees just focus it is the most powerful weapon you have just use it without fear.

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