A platform to exchange views by members on a particular subject. The idea is to bring together a set of people to share their ideas, thereby giving them an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge.
Tips for Group Discussion:
- Groom Yourself for GD
- Prepare yourself with the latest happening in and around the world
- Plan your approach
- Take Clarifications if Required Beforehand
- Always Carry Pen and Notebook
Mind your Body language:
- Don’t Point at others
- Don’t cross hands
- Use your hands while talking
- Sit Erect, don’t slouch
- Don’t bite nails
Importance of group discussions
- Improve listening skills and confidence
- Enhance communication and interpersonal skills
- To reach a solution to an issue of concern
- To generate new ideas for solving a problem
Types of group discussions
- Topic-based group discussions (a topic is provided to the candidates about what they must perform in the discussion.)
- Case-based group discussions (Small cases are given to the candidates and they discuss those questions.)
- ABSTRACT GROUP DISCUSSIONS (No outline of the topic is given. The participants must use innovative ideas to start the discussion.)
How to start GD
- Use Quotes and Questions to Begin
- Lay Down Relevant Statistics & Figures
- Commence with an Anecdote
- Start With a Question and Answer it Yourself
Starting Lines for a Group Discussion
- “I would like to start by stating my view of the matter….”
- “I would like to put forward the point that….”
- You can start with a quote: “As X once had said…”
- If you are giving a definition related to the topic: “______is defined as…..”
- I am sure that some of you might agree on my point while others might not, but I would like to say that….”
- Hi everyone, I am _____ (name) and I would like to introduce the topic of this group discussion.
How to conclude
- Summarise all the points
- Be concise
- Closure argument
- NEVER ever take a side and never be like “I THINK THIS IS RIGHT OR WRONG….”
- Stay neutral and always try to suggest points with a proper example
Skills judged in group discussion
- Communication Skills
- Subject Knowledge
- Listening Power
- Attitude
- Confidence
If your are interested to improve your personality and want to win your group discussion then you can join BeAplha personality development classes online.